My professional life

My last mission ended in December 2015. I was then a development engineer at Capgemini in the spatial field (Spot Image and Pleiades) for the account of the Airbus Defence and Space company (Astrium formerly).

These are two versions of my curriculum vitae:

Spotimage_building small picture.

Spot Image and Pleiades mission at Airbus D&S in Toulouse.

April to Dec. 2015 (8 months).

Sentinel1 small picture.

PDGS1 mission at Airbus D&S in Toulouse.

Sept. 2014 to April 2015 (8 months).

Web_Application small picture.

RTM Tool mission at Capgemini in Toulouse.

Oct. 2013 to Aug. 2014 (10 months).

MOOC small picture.

MOOC formations at Capgemini in Toulouse.

October 2013 to August 2014.

ELearning small picture.

E-Learning formations at Capgemini in Toulouse.

October 2013 to August 2014.

world_airline_routemap_2009 small picture.

ODS mission at the headquarters of Capgemini in Toulouse.

April 2004 to March 2011 (7 years).

ENACFormation small picture.

ICTRL formation at the ENAC school in Toulouse.

June 2010 (5 days).

EphoratFormation small picture.

Behavioral formation at the Ephorat office in Labège, near Toulouse.

October 2008 (3 days).

PEPFormation small picture.

Personal Efficiency Passport formation in Toulouse.

April 2006 (3 days).

CRNABordeauxFormation small picture.

Visit to the CRNA (Center for Air Traffic Navigation) in Bordeaux.

November 2004 (a day).

AxlogVBIMAQt small picture.

VBIMA mission at Axlog Ingénierie to the antenna in Toulouse.

Nov. 2002 à Dec. 2013 (14 months).

SiemensVDODiagEngine small picture.

Training period at Siemens VDO Automotive in Toulouse.

Feb. to Sept. 2002 (6 months 1/2).

LAAS_CNRS small picture.

Training period at the LAAS-CNRS research laboratory in Toulouse.

July to September 2001 (3 months).

NRCO small picture.

Training period at La Nouvelle République du Centre-Ouest in Tours.

April to June 1999 (10 weeks).

To see other personal projects, consult the page: "My interests".

by Sonia Kanclerski, 25/08/2024.